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Home Fire Safety


As the seasons turn colder and we are spending more time in our homes, I’d like to take a few minutes to discuss the most common reasons for home fi res and share a few tips on how to help prevent them.


This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone! The leading cause of cooking fi res is unattended cooking. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:


From gas furnaces to electric space heaters, heating fi res are coming in hot as the runner-up! Let’s look at a few things you can do to keep your family safe:


Of all the causes, this may be the most dangerous since it’s often unseen until it’s too late! Here are some helpful tips to stay safe:


Never leave the stove unattended while cooking.

Make sure to turn handles to the inside, away from you.

Don’t cook in a cramped or cluttered space.

Keep all flammables away from the stove.

If you smell gas, report it immediately and refrain from using the furnace until it’s properly inspected.

Do not put space heaters within 3–4 feet of anything flammable or combustible.

Ensure any space heaters you use come with a thermostat and an automatic tip-over shutoff.

Have your ducts cleaned yearly and change your filters according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Inspect cords and wires periodically for cracks, splits, frays, etc.

If you see burn marks around outlets, experience continuous breaker trips, or smell electrical burning, call a certified electrician. These are signs of faulty wiring.

Don’t daisy-chain extension cords; use them for their intended purpose only.

If you touch a wire and it’s hot, unplug it immediately and contact a professional.

Though the rise in vape usage has decreased this cause somewhat, it is still very much in the top five! Here are some friendly reminders for smoking safety:


And rounding out the top five is the “it smells good, so it can’t be dangerous” cause!

The one common safety prevention mechanism with all these causes is the fi re extinguisher! Please see the attached chart to help you better understand which class best helps you for each circumstance. Thank you all for your time and I hope this material serves you well!

NEVER smoke near open flames or oxygen tanks.

Smoke outside whenever possible.

Always make sure to fully extinguish your ashes.

Avoid smoking while in bed.

Please don’t leave candles within arm’s reach of children—remember, little eyes love little flames!

Never leave lit candles unattended; set a reminder to blow them out before bed or if you leave.

Smooth, flat surfaces are a must!

Always avoid placing them near anything flammable.